Meet Stefano Borroni Barale author of L’intelligenza inesistente at Dialogue Place
March 21rst at 5:00 Dialogue Place will host Stefano Borroni Barale and his book L’intelligenza Inesistente. Un approccio conviviale all’intelligenza artificale (Altreconomia 2023).
The author will be accompanied by: Josè Compagnone, Web and Design Anthropologist Goodea founder, Cristina Mele, Economy and innovation professor at UNINA. Moderator: Dana Cappiello, Project Ahead Project Manager. Open discussion with the participants.
The perfect occasion to speak about AI, pros and cons, try to imagine new alternative technologies, that can promote sharing and participation in school and in our communities.
Book your first line spot here.
L’intelligenza Inesistente. Un approccio conviviale all’intelligenza artificiale joins the conversation on AI, a terminology that includes different technologies and has a long history. AI supporters think that this technology can help to solve pressing problems of our society, such as climate change, poverty, different illness. Critics on the other hand think that is a dangerous technology.
Why everyone is talking about AI, though? Because it is a great marketing operation: one of the best over the past few years!
Stefano Borroni Barali is graduated in physics at the University of Torino. He was researcher in the project EU-DataGrid, for the National Institute of Nuclear physics, then he has dedicated to international trade union trainings. Now he teaches computer science at highschool. He supports open software and he wrote “Come passare al software libero e vivere felici” (2003), one of the first Linux guide.
See you at Dialogue Place, in Via della Sapienza, 18 – Napoli