At Dialogue Place, we’ re hosting the book launch of “Manager Cooperativi. Manuale per gestire imprese controcorrente, in equilibrio tra etica e business.”
On Thursday, November 17th at 17:30 pm, at Dialogue Space in Via Sapienza18 Naples, we’ll meet Alessandro Messina, the author of the book ‘Manager Cooperativi’’ Manuale per gestire imprese controcorrente, in equilibrio tra etica e business (Altreconomia).
Giovanna De Rosa, head of CVS Napoli
Marco Musella, ordinary professor of Political Economy, UNINA
Giovanpaolo Gaudino, president of Federsolidarietà Campania
Moderator: Marco Traversi, CEO of Project Ahead
It is planned refreshments and interventions from the audience with questions directly addressed to the author.
Manager Cooprativi is a book that social worker, no profit, benefit company, should absolutely read. A cooperative management handbook written by an eclectic economist that has been working in the non profit field for 25 years.
See you soon
Event organized by Project Ahead. Book your sit here.