Looking forward to the new edition of the Woman Entrepreneur Award 2018, which will be held on March 8, 2018 at Dialogue Place, we are talking about the platform of last year’s winner.
The Woman Entrepreneur Award is a local competition that selects the best social entrepreneur who will participate in Impact2, an international contest that takes place in Paris.
Marianna Poletti with her Just Knock was selected in 2017 as the best Italian social entrepreneur and flew to Paris to present her idea at the international Impact² competition.

Just Knock is a platform that intends to revolutionize the concept of recruiting, fully enhancing the qualities of the candidates and optimizing their job search. CV evaluation is often the first step in the recruiting process yet it is perhaps not the most effective method. A CV can hinder the expression of the candidate’s potential, limiting himself only to numbers and written words.
With JustKnock, users can apply for the job position by sending a personal idea as a response to a company request or they can view the profile of the partners and “knock” on the door of the company they deem most interesting. In this way the candidate is evaluated on the basis of his unique qualities, ideas are at the center of the evaluation. JustKnock allows companies to create job positions that allow to highlight the qualities required of the candidate through the creative development of ideas or the resolution of problems.
By putting ideas at the heart of the evaluation, JustKnock intends to remove all barriers related to discrimination and prejudice, supporting young people’s personal ideas instead of their CVs. 40% of the best candidates who responded to a job offer on JustKnock did not meet the standard requirements of the company for which they applied.
In addition, JustKnock promotes trust in companies and in their recruiting process, in fact, all the companies registered in the network and present on the platform sign a contract for which they undertake to respect the intellectual property of the projects received. Users and companies can thus collaborate in an atmosphere of mutual trust.